Voting with multiple options

If there are many options to choose from in the voting, there is a possibility of manipulation consisting in the fact that a small project is made that contains postulates on which a small group of people cares. In this way, their votes are taken away from other projects.
For this reason, the Swiss have introduced the following mechanism for legislative initiatives:
– citizens form a legislative initiative – the government can create a
– then both proposals
go to the vote – but in order to prevent themselves from taking votes – such questions are asked:
1. Are you in favor of accepting proposal no. 1?
Yes / No
2. Are you in favor of accepting proposal no. 2?
Yes / No
3. If the majority is in favor of both proposals, which one do you prefer?
1 / 2
This approach allows you to maintain the principle that 1 person has 1 vote and allows you to actually determine what the majority opinion is.

For comparison, let's consider the opposite situation, i.e. voting with many options. There are 3 projects that meet people's needs to varying degrees. The distribution of votes looks like this:
– Project 1 – 40% For
– Project 2 – 30% For
– Project 3 – 20% For
In this case, the majority was in favor of projects 2 and 3. Project 1 received fewer votes than 2 and 3, but the postulates on which people cared were broken down between projects 2 and 3.