Category: system description
Anonymous chat messages
Our chat allows you to send messages anonymously. Here’s the story that led me to the idea of adding this feature: I now live in a block of flats where people don’t know each other. There are several young people living next to me. Under them is an old lady from Italy. Below me lives Aku – a nice man from Finland who has an extremely loud voice. With these 3 neighbors I had two different stories. 1. One day
Czytaj dalejTo those who promote Swiss democracy
2. Why do people think db won’t work? The best candidate I’ve found is the “illusion of superiority.” Just try this: when someone says that db won’t work because most are stupid, ask them if they would make good decisions in referendums. 99% of people will say that they will make the right decision themselves. The same people will say that 99% of people (they know nothing about) are too stupid to vote. This theory still has to be proven,
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Edward Abramowski “Brotherhood, solidarity, cooperation“
Czytaj dalejHow to introduce a referendum system in Poland
This method is not new. It was invented by Edward Abramowski some 150 years ago. Abramovsky's idea has the advantage over other ways that it does not require the consent of politicians. Action is required only from us – citizens. The idea is this It is necessary to create a cooperative, attract as many participants as possible, thus build a civic lobby and force politicians* to introduce referendums on a national scale. Such a group will succeed if it is
Czytaj dalejNumber of signatures for a referendum request
Wikicracy votes work just like real Swiss referendums. Each referendum has 2 stages: 1. Collecting signatures for a referendummotion 2. The number of signatures collected under the referendum motion is public from the beginning so that the initiator of the referendum has information whether he must agitate for his idea or not. The result of the referendum itself (the number of votes For and Against) is visible only after its completion. This information is secret so as not to suggest
Czytaj dalejAccepting new people
Accepting a new person works in such a way that a new person is proposed by one of the current members. The other members then accept the candidate. When a sufficient number of people accept a new person – the system sends an email with a password to the new person. The number of people accepting a candidate is calculated as a percentage of the total population (currently 20%). Therefore, the new person after admission should also accept the existing
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