Category: system description

Status Quo

Status quo (Latin) – a legal term denoting the current, unchanged state of affairs. The inability to preserve the Status Quo is one of the possible manipulations during voting. Imagine such a vote: Do you want to be cut off:– arm– leg– abstain from voting Such a vote does not give the possibility of preserving both limbs. The creator of the vote can thus force a decision – even if the majority does not agree to it. Instead, the vote

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Anonymous chat messages

Our chat allows you to send messages anonymously. Here’s the story that led me to the idea of adding this feature: I now live in a block of flats where people don’t know each other. There are several young people living next to me. Under them is an old lady from Italy. Below me lives Aku – a nice man from Finland who has an extremely loud voice. With these 3 neighbors I had two different stories. 1. One day

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Similarities between the illusion of above-averageness and the attitude to WIR

The illusion of above-average Swiss democracy Most people say that their abilities are above average. Most people say that they themselves would make wise decisions in referendums. Most people say that their friends’ skills are above average. Most people say that their friends and small groups would make good decisions in referendums. 80% of the people surveyed say that people they do not know do poorly with tasks such as driving a car, managing money, etc. About 80% of people

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80% of people succumb to a cognitive bias called the “illusion of above averageness”. They argue that democracy is bad, that leaders are needed to lead the people. If you believe that most people are good and wise, if you believe that direct democracy is a good solution for us, then you belong to the 20% of the chosen ones. It is you who should start a group in your city. You should be the leader and coordinator. The fact

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Why is it worth organizing from the bottom up?

Bottom-up = from each individual person, through a group of several, and further through a larger group to a group that includes everyone. Top-down = from the managing authority of all, through smaller groups, to a single person. Subsidiarity = every power, and in particular political power, should have an auxiliary (supporting) and stimulating significance in relation to the efforts of the autonomous and independent individuals who established it. Since we are already a group that wants to govern on

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To those who promote Swiss democracy

1. Like you, I believe that people who promote democracy are discouraged by the lack of interest or even hostility on the part of citizens. This observation is a good start to realize that despite the overwhelming evidence that db works, most are against it. What is really surprising is that it is not the government that is the biggest opponent – it is the citizens who are most opposed to db. Once we have come to terms with this

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When a party leader gets into parliament, he gets very concrete benefits. He gets:– power over members of his party which allows him to create regulations – he gets access to TV so he can convince millions of people of his reasons – he gets very specific money to live and to achieve his own goals such as election campaign or winning allies With such equipment, a politician no longer needs citizens – he is able to cope on his

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How to introduce a referendum system in Poland

This method is not new. It was invented by Edward Abramowski some 150 years ago. Abramovsky's idea has the advantage over other ways that it does not require the consent of politicians. Action is required only from us – citizens. The idea is this It is necessary to create a cooperative, attract as many participants as possible, thus build a civic lobby and force politicians* to introduce referendums on a national scale. Such a group will succeed if it is

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Number of signatures for a referendum request

Wikicracy votes work just like real Swiss referendums. Each referendum has 2 stages: 1. Collecting signatures for a referendummotion 2. The number of signatures collected under the referendum motion is public from the beginning so that the initiator of the referendum has information whether he must agitate for his idea or not. The result of the referendum itself (the number of votes For and Against) is visible only after its completion. This information is secret so as not to suggest

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How do I start a group?

Currently, setting up a group is not automated, but setting up a group will not be troublesome for you. All you have to do is gather the first 3 people, send their emails and names/nicknames to me and I will set up a Wikicracy instance for you. It will be a separate application with a separate database, so from that moment your group will have full control over voting and accepting new people. You also need to set a name

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How much time do I have to devote? You don’t need much time to participate in a group. It is only important to be informed what decisions are being made. Thanks to this, you will be able to react if something happens that does not suit you. The average turnout in Swiss referendums is 40%, but even if it is lower, it does not mean that citizens lose control of the situation.In both Switzerland and Wikicracy, the law is always

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Previous trials and description of the system

Paper no. 1699,68577.html Civilhub – application code Wikicracy – application code Iceland More information Chat  

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Accepting new people

Accepting a new person works in such a way that a new person is proposed by one of the current members. The other members then accept the candidate. When a sufficient number of people accept a new person – the system sends an email with a password to the new person. The number of people accepting a candidate is calculated as a percentage of the total population (currently 20%). Therefore, the new person after admission should also accept the existing

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