Author: admin

Was Switzerland a backward country before 1848?

With the creation of the federal state in the mid-nineteenth century, liberals set an important course. But they were not the only ones who contributed to the development of the country. In some ways, Switzerland was already ahead of many other countries around 1800. Replica. René Roca 6 April 2020, 5:30 In Europe at the beginning of the nineteenth century, Switzerland had a relatively well-developed education system, and about 1800 more children than anywhere else regularly attended school. Photographers Simon Tanner /

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Status Quo

Status quo (Latin) – a legal term denoting the current, unchanged state of affairs. The inability to preserve the Status Quo is one of the possible manipulations during voting. Imagine such a vote: Do you want to be cut off:– arm– leg– abstain from voting Such a vote does not give the possibility of preserving both limbs. The creator of the vote can thus force a decision – even if the majority does not agree to it. Instead, the vote

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Voting with multiple options

If there are many options to choose from in the voting, there is a possibility of manipulation consisting in the fact that a small project is made that contains postulates on which a small group of people cares. In this way, their votes are taken away from other projects. For this reason, the Swiss have introduced the following mechanism for legislative initiatives:– citizens form a legislative initiative – the government can create a counter-proposal – then both proposals go to

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Liberum veto

Let’s assume that there is a liberum veto in the group. One person can block any decision. We will see how it works on the example of taxes. Consider two situations: 1. A motion has been made for a radical increase in taxes. Thanks to the liberum veto, one person blocked this change. This situation seems to be beneficial for the group. 2. The country was attacked by a neighbor. In order to be able to defend oneself effectively, taxes

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Dismissal of the representative

The coachman (citizens) would like to get home, but horses (politicians) dream of running in the meadow and nibbling grass. So what should the coachman do? A. He should exchange horses until one of the next ones overcomes his instincts and takes the coachman home to B.’s house. The coachman should use the reins and lead the horses home If citizens do not have the right to a referendum , the dismissal of a representative seems to be a good

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Making individual decisions by referendum – instead of creating long-term rules

It sometimes happens that someone says: “Democracy, democracy, but we can’t vote on every fuck.” And that’s right. A very large number of referendums can not only discourage people, but can even be used for manipulation. The body empowered to issue referendums can produce a huge number of votes and hide in them the records that it wants to sneakily smuggle. That’s why REFERENDUMS SHOULD NOT TAKE DECISIONS Instead, referendums should be legislated. What’s the difference? – The decision concerns

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Completely open group

If a group is completely open, politicians will always come and take over eventually.   So far, this has happened in the following initiatives: – Association Civic Movement Democratic Action – Direct Democracy Association (managed to repel the takeover attempt) – WIR Movement – eParlamant of Free People   Politicians introduce a lot of movement and take all initiative. The statements of normal calm people are inundated. The idea of running in the elections is beginning to dominate. Ordinary people

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Common mistakes in democratic organizations

Direct democracy is an extremely inspiring system. We can finally govern ourselves! Isn’t that great? Unfortunately, perhaps because of the enormity of freedom that referendums give us, each new group is reinventing direct democracy. If you do not study the latest achievements of direct democracy before forming a group, you will always make some mistakes. These mistakes make it impossible for new groups to grow. The first one was once committed by myself: TURNOUT THRESHOLDS It seemed reasonable to me

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Anonymous chat messages

Our chat allows you to send messages anonymously. Here’s the story that led me to the idea of adding this feature: I now live in a block of flats where people don’t know each other. There are several young people living next to me. Under them is an old lady from Italy. Below me lives Aku – a nice man from Finland who has an extremely loud voice. With these 3 neighbors I had two different stories. 1. One day

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Similarities between the illusion of above-averageness and the attitude to WIR

The illusion of above-average Swiss democracy Most people say that their abilities are above average. Most people say that they themselves would make wise decisions in referendums. Most people say that their friends’ skills are above average. Most people say that their friends and small groups would make good decisions in referendums. 80% of the people surveyed say that people they do not know do poorly with tasks such as driving a car, managing money, etc. About 80% of people

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80% of people succumb to a cognitive bias called the “illusion of above averageness”. They argue that democracy is bad, that leaders are needed to lead the people. If you believe that most people are good and wise, if you believe that direct democracy is a good solution for us, then you belong to the 20% of the chosen ones. It is you who should start a group in your city. You should be the leader and coordinator. The fact

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Why is it worth organizing from the bottom up?

Bottom-up = from each individual person, through a group of several, and further through a larger group to a group that includes everyone. Top-down = from the managing authority of all, through smaller groups, to a single person. Subsidiarity = every power, and in particular political power, should have an auxiliary (supporting) and stimulating significance in relation to the efforts of the autonomous and independent individuals who established it. Since we are already a group that wants to govern on

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To those who promote Swiss democracy

1. Like you, I believe that people who promote democracy are discouraged by the lack of interest or even hostility on the part of citizens. This observation is a good start to realize that despite the overwhelming evidence that db works, most are against it. What is really surprising is that it is not the government that is the biggest opponent – it is the citizens who are most opposed to db. Once we have come to terms with this

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When a party leader gets into parliament, he gets very concrete benefits. He gets:– power over members of his party which allows him to create regulations – he gets access to TV so he can convince millions of people of his reasons – he gets very specific money to live and to achieve his own goals such as election campaign or winning allies With such equipment, a politician no longer needs citizens – he is able to cope on his

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Cooperation with politicians

If the idea of a group is based on the assumption that politicians will listen to the group, then such a group can be liquidated by the cheeks at any time. It is enough for politicians to stop listening to the group’s commands. Instead, the purpose of the group should be to help each other and establish common rules that are beneficial to all members of the group. Cooperation with politicians is possible only after many years of the group’s

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A broad and widespread social movement

eParlament of the Free People Movement is another attempt to create a social movement   To the Active RWL Group   I understand that using iVoting goes hand in hand with the following approach: – we are building a universal social movement whose aim is to change the law at the state level – iVoting makes it easier because it contains the personal data of all citizens The use of iVoting is a novelty, but the attempt to build a

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Number of signatures for a referendum request

Wikicracy votes work just like real Swiss referendums. Each referendum has 2 stages: 1. Collecting signatures for a referendummotion 2. The number of signatures collected under the referendum motion is public from the beginning so that the initiator of the referendum has information whether he must agitate for his idea or not. The result of the referendum itself (the number of votes For and Against) is visible only after its completion. This information is secret so as not to suggest

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How do I start a group?

Currently, setting up a group is not automated, but setting up a group will not be troublesome for you. All you have to do is gather the first 3 people, send their emails and names/nicknames to me and I will set up a Wikicracy instance for you. It will be a separate application with a separate database, so from that moment your group will have full control over voting and accepting new people. You also need to set a name

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